Our Credentials

Our credentials speak for themselves! We're recognised by top fire and security industry bodies.
FIA Logo
Chas Logo - Minder Security

NSI Certificates of Approval:

It’s vital to know your fire alarm or security contractor is properly accredited and works to the latest industry standards and governmental regulations. Our credentials are impeccable and should assure you completely of our ability to deliver work to the highest standards and quality.

Our fire and security accreditations

As an NSI (National Security Inspectorate) Gold company, Minder Security & Fire can offer you a higher level of insurance specification and preferment, while you can be sure that we meet the highest levels of performance and regulatory standards.

As the person responsible for fire safety, you can see our certificated evidence of Minder’s competency. Your insurers will be interested in seeing this evidence, especially if you have to make a claim. Does your present provider have third party certification/BAFE Registration Certificate? This certificated evidence demonstrates due diligence in sourcing a competent provider to help meet your fire safety obligations. As a BAFE registered company, Minder are assessed annually, meaning ongoing assessment of our competency with up to date relevant standards and best working practice.

As a member of the FIA (Fire Industry Association), Minder attends meeting to maintain and raise the level of service and standards in the fire safety industry. These include updating British Standards, testing equipment and lobbying parliament for fire safety changes.

Rest assured that when you choose Minder, you’re choosing to work with a fire and security company who has been rigorously assessed against government requirements for health and safety, and that we work with a CHAS(Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) Accredited Contractor to continually improve our standards.

Contact us today

Call Minder Security & Fire on 0114 234 5631 and we'll take care of all your security & fire needs